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Virtual Reality in Care

By Alex Lancaster, Recreo VR Added 9th Feb, 2023 Updated 21st Feb, 2023

Recreo VR provides virtual reality services to the care sector. With an application built around accessibility, we transport elderly adults to places of significance from their past, and exciting new destinations. Recreo has built its own library of engaging content, with experiences ranging from animal enclosures at the zoo, to coastlines previously frequented in the local region. We have content partnerships with organisations such as The National Trust and Yorkshire Wildlife Park


Membership to our VR service includes rental of VR headsets preloaded with our application. Content is cycled by us on a regular basis to keep the experiences engaging. The option of a white-labelled app and a private hosting server is available, allowing us to record bespoke content for you and host on your headsets within the organisation. We offer training for employees, full remote support, and headset maintenance/upgrades.

The application has been built with a specific focus on ease of use. There are no controllers or menu navigation necessary. The content can be controlled in two ways. The first offers gaze navigation within the VR app where the user looks at an experience and is then immersed within it. A more carer focussed approach offers the use of a tablet in combination with the headset. The content can be started, paused and switched on the tablet, with this option also allowing the streaming of the content to an external, larger screen allowing communication with the user.

Check out our Facebook to see the VR in action:

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