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DNA Communication Management

By Stephen Fieldhouse, FIFY LIMITED Added 1st May, 2019 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019

We support Trusts to deliver centrally managed communication content and delivery workflow solutions, bespoke to individual Trusts, and paid by a regulated supply chain from savings delivered. Our solutions are designed to ease the patient journey while assisting staff in their roles with patient care. We base our analysis on geographic, economic, cultural and medical needs that the individual Trust supports, while delivering a clear message to the patient to encourage attendance. We support the trust directly and manage communication paths that can save over significant outlay per annum for each individual Trust


Our projects encourage the use of existing resources to underpin financial savings, while using innovative software solutions that deliver personalised patient content to reduce DNA's. We use hybrid technology, change management, and operational empowerment to deliver these functions while being empathetic to the patients’ needs and personal interaction to communication. We take a holistic view of challenges to deliver a modular and sustainable proposition that can be delivered in weeks and address many issues within the specific Trust at no cost. These solutions have shown over 40% in DNA reduction, resource cost reductions of over 50% and zero outlay plans, all supported by an initial pilot.

We offer a free audit to assess the situation and perceived issues, while enlighten Trusts to the potential savings and additional care the NHS can bring to their community and staff.

•Enhance patient care and ease staffing pressures

•Evaluating delivery impact and relaying all detail back to NHS

•Study DNA’s pattern and offer alternative communication paths

•Continue to evaluate and adapt communication solutions

•Utilise the most effective and cost-efficient methods available

•Deliver patient support collateral in partnership

•Act as a trusted and valued partner to the NHS in delivering cost savings

•Co-Ordination of patient appointment collateral

•Setting Clear Delivery routes and contingency partner


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