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Easy Bites, a family nutrition app

By Natalia Stasenko, Easy Bites app Added 13th Jul, 2022 Updated 27th Sep, 2022

Did you know that up to 50% of families are struggling at mealtimes? 

Easy Bites is is a digital, research-driven family feeding and nutrition program designed to support stressed and time-poor caregivers in raising healthier, happier kids.


Easy Bites helps families make just one meal for the whole family, regardless of the children's ages and preferences. We educate parents about typical eating behaviors in children and support them through more challenging phases like picky eating.

Our team of Registered Dietitians, child feeding researchers, feeding therapists, speech-language pathologists and chefs offers kind and responsive programming rooted in cutting-edge research designed to support families with different backgrounds, concerns and needs.

This approach has been shown to support maternal self-efficacy and reduce maternal anxiety related to feeding, which may be a significant factor in improving mental health in mothers.

We are currently preparing for the impact survey based on the user data. The likely impact of our app will be reduced health care costs related to feeding problems and concerns and improved long-term benefits of using responsive feeding practices. 

These include improved self-regulation of energy intake, enjoyment of food, less "fussy" eating, increased fruit and vegetable consumption in children, and better maternal mental health support and economic benefits to families. 

The implementation process will involve distributing the app to families who may benefit from the personalized child feeding tutorials and meal planning features and (at later stages) connecting them to coaches for additional one-on-one support. 

We have a training platform developed by child feeding researchers and clinicians to educate coaches who will provide one-on-one support to parents.

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