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Anticipatory Care: Data-driven Health Coaching for PCNs

By Mark England, HN Added 28th Jul, 2021 Updated 3rd Feb, 2022

We recruit and manage digitally-enabled health coaches while PCNs retain control - fully financed by ARRS.

HN combines health coaching with data-science expertise. Health Coaches work with high-need patients, helping to clear capacity so PCNs work on extensive backlogs caused by Covid-19. 

HN's health coaches work with patients to improve their health literacy, build confidence and empowerment and ensure they are pro-active in managing their health. This reduces their reliance on the system and alleviates pressure on primary care resources and GP workloads. 

The service is managed entirely by HN and is fully financed by ARRS.


Supporting Primary Care. The majority of NHS urgent care is delivered in primary care. HN can identify the right patients and provide the right anticipatory and personalised care at the right time, to reduce unplanned attendances in all settings, including in primary care, without any additional work for GPs.

Scientific evidence shows our approach delivers improved patient health, wellbeing and self-management ability. HN staff are embedded in your primary care team and local health system, providing a seamless service.

The results show that patients are more capable of self-management and understanding their own health conditions. HN patients in primary care have a 28% reduction in GP appointments and a 60% reduction in phone calls to the GP practice. 

HN is working with Primary Care Networks in all corners of England. 

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