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Florence Intelligent Health Messaging

By Generated Health, Generated Health Added 2nd Oct, 2019 Updated 7th Sep, 2023

Florence Intelligent Health Messaging enables self-management and adherence through user-friendly, intelligent messaging that improves health outcomes - freeing up time and resources for clinicians and the healthcare ecosystem. 

Clinical evidence is in our DNA. Florence is designed by clincians for patients and clinicians. 

We have over 100 independant clinical studies and 20 peer-reviewed journal articles demonstrating exceptional clinical outcomes for patients and exceptional ROI for healthcare teams. 

From our base in the UK, Florence has expanded successfully to Australia, and in early 2022 we set up office in Protland, Maine in the US. 



Over 10 years and through 20+ million patient interactions the team has refined Flo’s intelligent, human-like persona to create positive health-improving relationships with individual patients.

Florence is accessible and incredibly simple for patients to use – all you need is a mobile phone (no app to download!).

Florence is managed by admin and clinicians via a powerful, intelligent and secure software platform, clinically validated protocols, and extensive analytics.

Everything we do is focused on engaging patients and supporting behavioural change and self-care. This drives better clinical outcomes, better patient experience, and reduces clinical time.

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