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Roman Rocha Lawrence

Research & Development Manager

Elaros is a private digital health company incubated by NHS organisations, that represents a breakthrough, not only in terms of the innovative nature of its product development, but also in its partnership approach that brings together the NHS, the academic community and industry. The NHS organisations involved in ELAROS are: Devices for Dignity: a NIHR Healthcare Technology Co-operative set up to drive forward innovative new products, processes and services to support people with long-term conditions, preserving their dignity and independence. Devices for Dignity is hosted by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Medipex Ltd and NHS Innovations North: the UK NHS Innovation Hubs for Yorkshire & Humber and the North East Region. Their mission is to facilitate the development of services and products that cut costs and improve patient care. Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: who provide the clinical direction for ELAROS. North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group: with whom Elaros is working to commercialiase the hydration monitoring system, Hydr8.
