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patientMpower - remote monitoring in respiratory disease

By Jack Hanley, patientMpower Ltd Added 10th Feb, 2021 Updated 4th Mar, 2021

patientMpower remote monitoring technology (RMT) is currently supporting 2,000+ respiratory disease patients to monitor and manage their condition from home.

Clinical studies show patientMpower improves patient well-being and aids achievement of exercise goals and the use of remote spirometry and e-health journals is feasible and acceptable for patients.

2021 studies will measure the health economic benefits of RMT in NHS outpatient folllow-up care.


patientMpower remote monitoring technology consists of a CE marked software device and integrated clincial devices for assessing and monitoring a patient's condition outside of hospital.

patientMpower technology empowers patients to capture spirometry, oximetry, temperature, weight, and blood pressure data remotely as well as many other subjective measures through digital PRO's. All patient data is shared in real time with healthcare professionals, integrations into secondary care IT systems are in place.

Collecting objective assessment data from patients more regulalry helps achieve informed clinical decision making, whether that is in a face to face setting or a virtual telehealth appointment. This data can allow clinical teams to deliver care in a taregtted need based way rather than a time based follow up model. 

Continuous monitoring of patients that have been diagnosed with a repsiratory disease can help patients and clinical teams spot deterioration or exacerbation earlier and intervene, preventing disease progression and also unscheduled A&E visits.

The solution helps provide continuity of care for chronic condition respiratory patients where on site assessments such as spirometry have been postponed or for patients who simply cannot attend face to face appointments.

patientMpower have programmes in clinical use supporting patients post lung transplant, Idiopathic Pulmomonary Fibrosis (+other ILD's), Cystic Fibrosis, Asthma, COPD, COVID-19 and in 2021 Long COVID.

In 2021 patientMpower are looking to spread their innovation to more NHS respiratory services particularly ILD and CF. This will model of remote care will support services to work through the appointment backlogs caused by the pandemic. patientMpower are also seeking to build health economic evidence in outpatient follow up care.


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