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Under evaluation with potential for adoption
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By Craig Chaytor, I.M.M.E Added 29th Nov, 2020 Updated 10th Feb, 2021

I.M.M.E stands for 'Imagine Making Memories Everywhere', which has a powerful message as it lives up to that name to provide a memory.  We help children who struggle in life from personal care to medical care by providing them support using Virtual reality, but with a twist. 


I.M.M.E was created from the ground up to help my daughter Imogen. We named it after her nickname IMME but gave it meaning. I.M.M.E was created to help Imogen with her personal care because she suffers with Williams syndrome. We then adapted it to be a book. By combining books and tech together we created something truly amazing. Accessibility and simplicity was key to make it available for everyone and anybody with the power of a smart device. All children favour technology which is ok because we are living in a fast moving world where technology is everywhere. Imagine having Bonding time by reading a book together then the book comes alive by Ar, then scan the book with a speical Qr code attached to it then your phone turns into real time Virtual reality so the story you just been reading is coming alive around you. Putting the children in that story world creating a sensory centred atmosphere with lots of benefits. Now imagine your child is poorly and stuck in the hospital, it is not nice for the children. With I.M.M.E we can help them by letting them escape to a magical world. If I.M.M.E was in the hospital or another health sector we can help with the following 


  • Distraction letting the children become focused on other things
  • Sensory therapy 
  • Mental health 
  • Mobilty 
  • Isolation 
  • Help doctors perform procedures on the children 
  • Making their time in the hospital more pleasant. 
  • Let the doctors inspect the patient. 
  • Help with Surgery and pain management.

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