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Under evaluation with potential for adoption
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Handheld Ultrasound

By Josh Turley, MDi Medical Ltd Added 27th Sep, 2019 Updated 8th Nov, 2019

Vscan Extend is a pocket-sized handheld ultrasound that empowers healthcare professionals to make focussed assessments and accelerate treatment decisons at the point of care. It fits in the palm of the hand and is as easy to use as a smartphone, enabling decisive action-taking, quick referral of patients, optimised courses of treatment and reduced costs of care.

Vscan Extend has a dual probe with both linear and sector transducers in a single probe. It seamlessly integrates handheld ultrasound imaging with wireless networks and DICOM based documentation and reporting.


The project aims to provide more ultrasound imaging in primary care, improving clinical pathways by reducing unnecessary referrals in secondary acute care, and reducing waiting times for referrals.

Incorporating ultrasound during a patient examination can provide a more accurate diagnosis of symptoms which, with the help of a trained user, can enable earlier identification of symptoms and improve the management of a patient either out of hospital or on a more defined referral pathway.The devices are digital and DICOM enabled so that ultrasound images can be shared into a PACS system or by email/text message, allowing images to be referred instantly to, for example, a senior consultant, allowing for earlier identification and diagnosis of symptoms. The images can also be integreted and transferred into healthcare record systems.I am currently working with a range of projects across the country where ultrasound is being used in primary care by training GPs, community nurses and paramedics for early identification of cardiac problems, shortness of breath, DVT, urinary and bladder problems, ascites, etc.As the NHS pushes more services into primary care with earlier diagnostics, ultrasound imaging is the perfect tool due to its portability. It is also safe and non-invasive compared to other methods such as X-ray.I also work with UK medical schools including the University of Lancaster, UCLAN, the University of Leeds and, more recently, Edge Hill University to introduce ultrasound into teaching curriculums for future doctors. 

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