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Digital Therapeutic interventions (games) for better children & young people's mental health

By Manjul Rathee, BfB Labs Added 18th May, 2022 Updated 19th May, 2022

Children & young people with mild to moderate needs often fall between the cracks or do not meet thresholds for CAMHS.Whilst a 'mental health crisis' existed before Covid-19, services are expecting a surge demand, impacting waiting times and access.

Despite anxiety being a common issue (alone or with other conditions) there is limited support, especially for those with mild to moderate needs who receive little to no evidence-based therapeutic support, which can lead to escalation.The average age of onset of common anxiety disorders is 7, but there are limited forms of support for younger children.  Where they exist, they're not engaging or age-appropriate and can be stigmatising.


Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage takes a user-centred approach, combining the proven therapeutic technique of graded exposures (the active ingredient of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, a NICE recommended treatment) with responsible, studio-quality gaming to empower children (7-12 year olds) with mild to moderate needs to learn to self manage their fears and anxiety in highly engaging, non-stigmatising, goal-focused and action-orientated ways. Thereby helping them to build resilience and develop adaptive coping strategies. It provides children and their families/carers with access to therapeutic best practice at their own pace and close to home.

Our digital offering also provides practitioners/clinicians with access to real-time user progress and outcomes data securely, no matter where they are, 24/7.

Our digital offering is regulated by the UK MHRA as a low risk software as a medical device, meeting their high standards of clinical safety and data security.

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