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TrainTrach - Virtual Reality for Tracheostomy Care Training

By Alastair Buchanan, Nudge Reality Ltd Added 8th Dec, 2021 Updated 4th Jul, 2022

TrainTrach is a novel training system for tracheostomy care built around an immersive, mixed-reality simulation that combines virtual reality (VR), audio effects and tangible haptics. Realistic bed-side simulations recreate high-fidelity, high-pressure situations where decisive action needs to be taken quickly and competently by individuals or as a group working together. The application was co-developed with Cardiff and Vale hospital with the goal of improving the quality and accessibility of simulation-based training.



The key benefits of TrainTrach are that it is:

Realistic, providing high-quality immersive simulations of tracheostomy care procedures that give learners hands-on experience before being presented with real-life emergencies.

Easy-to-use, using the user's hands to interact with patients in a natural, intuitive manner with haptic feedback, supported by a tutorial to help familiarise users with VR and supporting instructions throughout.

Accessible, enabling training to take place either on-site, remotely, in groups or individually to suit the learning needs of each participant. 

Traceable, allowing each institution to audit the competence matrix for their care staff using electronic training records to measure capacity and capability. 

Extendible, so that as best practice, local and national guidelines develop the software can be remotely updated.

Cost-Effective, making use of commercial hardware, low-cost manufacturing and a per-headset licensing model.

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