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Isaac Care - Complete independent living solutions

By David Rusbatch, Isaac Care Added 8th Jun, 2022 Updated 5th Jul, 2022

Worried about falling? - 70,000 hip fractures are recorded by the NHS annually in the UK, most of them are the 65+ demographic. We aim to support independence and confidence to remain in homes and cater to the different stages of the ageing process. By using the Isaac Care solutions, we hope to monitor, intervene and prevent declines in health by enabling data led decision made by nurses and clinicians. Connecting users to family and friends is a financially cheaper and inclusive alternative to the traditional care system pathways. Ultimately it represents peace of mind that 24 hour assistance is available when needed.


We are passionate about enabling choice and independence in ageing. We have developed the Isaac Care free app, allowing users to join up their support network in a circle of care. Our home monitoring devices are all bluetooth enabled and wireless, acting as conduits for collected data. Bespoke options include:

  • GPS enabled fall alarm.
  • Motion sensors 
  • Remote health monitoring devices.

Specific health parameters can be set, enabling quick intervention from our nurse led team or 24 hour call centre, for an inclusive living solution suite. We cater for most of the common chronic conditions, for example, obesity, blood pressure and blood oxygen vitals. Everything interfaces seemlessly into the Isaac App.

It's not how long you live, but how you live.

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