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Healthcare, Domiciliary & Reablement Workforce Management

By Ash Mitchell, DriverNet Limited Added 20th Aug, 2019 Updated 13th Nov, 2019

As a Smart Transport provider, DriverNet was launched with St Helens council in late 2018 to improve the control, coordination, safety and service levels of mobile healthcare professionals within their Adult Social care teams. A range of features has since been codesigned with the council, which has resulted in our service becoming relevant and valuable within the Mobile Healthcare sector.

streamlines and digitises mobile healthcare workforce and fleet operations. We understand the operational, budgetary and compliance issues the healthcare sector face and use these challenges as the core foundations for what we build and deliver.


The DriverNet service is offered through our DNet Live Management platform, for office-bound coordinators & management teams, And the DNet Mobile application, for the healthcare mobile workforce.

The DriverNet service digitises and streamlines administration duties and tasks, allows for dynamic journey & task management and safeguards the mobile workforce through Lone Worker safety alerts.

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