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By Ian Carr, Synopsis Healthcare Added 10th Oct, 2017 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019


Offering patient questionnaires, nurse assessments, risk assessments, discharge planning, physical exams, anaesthetic reviews, investigations and tests and more, Synopsis iQ works for everyone.

Synopsis iQ removes paper from your service and replaces it with an easy to use digital system. It's available pretty much anywhere in your organisation on almost any device, so you can use it how you want to.

Not only does the workflow replace the paper notes, the decision-support in Synopsis iQ speeds up the routine and less routine aspects of pre-assessment. Things like MUST, VTE, falls, Mallampati, STOP-BANG etc. are made easier. Risks are identified quickly. Patients can be stratified into groups for easier scheduling and follow up.

The results, in the NHS right now, are strong. Reduced cancellations, reduced nursing time, improved staff and patient experiences are all happening.

We'd love to work with organisations in the Y&H region to explore a region-wide approach to pre-assessment. A single platform for high impact assessment, information shared instantly, notes available at all times...

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