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Health Futures AF Strategy

By Tony Jamieson, Yorkshire and Humber AHSN Added 22nd Mar, 2016 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019

Eleven CCGs in Yorkshire collaborated to develop and implement a strategy to increase the rate of appropriate anticoagulation offered to patients with atrial fibrillation in order to reduce the number of related strokes and improve patient outcomes. The strategy seeks to guide the local health economy in making informed commissioning decisions and to improve clinical practice and service quality. In line with improving access and quality to anticoagulation services for atrial fibrillation, the strategy proposes eight key principles for consideration by commissioners and providers.


The associated tools and documents make it easy for CCGs and providers to take the steps necessary to protest patients with AF from stroke.

See our Strategic Clinical Network Resource page for more details.

The Healthy Futures AF dashboard provides a accurate and timely way to see how CCGs and practices are closing the AF treatment gap.

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